About Us
At the head of the company today are the two of us, Luca and Emilia, both with a past in television (journalist and editor), Roman and with three grown-up sons, Pietro, Giovanni and Francesco.
The family behind our company also includes Nicola, Luca's brother and a first aid doctor, and his three sons, Valerio, Livio and Daniele.
And Natalia, Luca and Nicola's mother, Rai manager and woman of great culture, vitality and refined sense of humour.

Before Us was Daniele (Natalia's husband and father of Luca and Nicola, who recently passed away) an artist and astrophysicist, the man without whom the tower would have changed hands and the one who projected the dream that we are all trying to renew.

And before that...
... Emilio Jesi e sua moglie Maria, industriali del caffè, collezionisti di arte moderna e design e responsabili del restauro che nel 1969 portò la Torre dei Belforti dallo status di rovina a quello di raffinata dimora.
Tutti hanno o hanno avuto un ruolo nel coltivare questa torre come tempio della bellezza e della poesia, ma anche come luogo della memoria per la nostra ampia e variegata famiglia.
L'attenzione alle persone è il valore fondante della nostra idea di ospitalità. For us, a holiday is not just about having fun, but a precious opportunity to rediscover oneself, to rediscover the meaning of things through a relationship with others and with nature, with the beauty of places, things and landscapes, and with the knowledge of the thousands of stories surrounding this ancient monument that has always been devoted to modernity and creativity.
We believe in beauty as the litmus test of a job well done and as a picklock to unlock the swamp of routine, which sometimes does not allow us to appreciate the wonder of creation. 'Elegance,' said our great-uncle Emilio Jesi, 'is one step below perfection'.
We believe in kindness as the universal glue and antidote against vulgarity.
We believe in play and culture as sharp weapons against the forces of chaos.
We believe in family as the realm of Freedom.
But we know that this work does not live by schemes and protocols, each guest is a whole world and understanding and welcoming them properly is our challenge that is renewed each time.